There are no set timelines in life

— so stop chasing and embrace all chapters of your life

Vedantee Padte
2 min readMay 13, 2023

In today’s overstimulated world, we’re constantly bombarded with highlight reels of people known and unknown to us. Without the backstory of the highlight reel, we consume the content and internalize it, easily comparing it to our journey in life.

If an ‘X’ person got ‘this’ by this time, you ‘should’ possibly be doing ‘this.’

You eventually get tired of your life after these different comparisons are made in your head with ’n’ variables.

Photo by Donald Wu on Unsplash

The reality in life is there are no timelines.

The need to prove, the need to complete, and the need to compare loses its meaning. The fact of life is that it is uncertain. And weirdly, as everyone before me has said — change is the only constant.

There is no ‘behind’ and no ‘ahead’.

The diversity of our experiences makes us unique. The only forward is when our ashes are in the soil. That is one sure forward that all of us are eventually heading to. But in the meantime, chasing timelines is illusionary. We hyper-focus on outcomes and try to run ahead with it.

Any process of creation or doing anything worthwhile takes time — so it would be wise to embrace the space offered if and when it happens for you.

